Pregnancy is a pretty incredible time - being on the cusp of a monumental life change, bringing a new life into the world and new human being into your inner circle. Capturing this time with a photoshoot is a beautiful way to celebrate this unique moment, creating photos to look back on with your child when they’re grown.
When we first connect, I will send out an in-depth questionnaire, where I ask you to tell me your story so far and how you want it told. A maternity photoshoot it a real opportunity to get in touch with the incredible strength of you and your story as you navigate this rollercoaster of a time.
Before we get there though, the first question you might have is, “when’s the best time to have a maternity session?”
When is the Best Month for a Maternity Session?
A good time to book is for between 29 and 36 weeks. Around this time, your bump will be nice and round. After 36 weeks, you can start to feel tired and uncomfortable. Maternity photos are intimate and it is really important that you do feel comfortable in your changing body!
So it mostly depends on how big you want your bump to be but also balancing that with, you want to be comfortable. And you don’t want to leave it too late and go into labour before your booked date!
Of course, these are just guidelines and if your doctor has discussed the chance of you having an early delivery or you’re carrying more than one, then of course we can tailor the time to your situation.
When Should You Book Maternity Photos?
Bub sets the timetable for when the shoot should be and because the window is pretty narrow, it can be a good idea to book in advance to make sure you get the right date and time for you. After your 20 week scans is a good time to book. This gives us time to connect, for me to hear your story and to plan a shoot that is perfect for you.
It also means that in those final weeks, as you’re struggling to get everything wrapped up at work, getting around to the nursery and thinking about names, that your Maternity Photoshoot is all booked and ready to go, so all you have to do is turn up.